December 12, 2023-January 1, 2024 Mercury Retrograde

If on the downside you have been missing appointments, losing your keys, forgetting where you parked your car, going through the frustration of technology breaking down, or on the upside hearing from people you hadn't seen in a long time, remembering a project that had been collecting dust on a shelf, and feeling more introspective, you can blame Mercury retrograde! Yes! Since December 12 at 11:09 PM PST, it started going (in apparence) backwards against the background of the fixed stars and will remain so until January 1st, 2024 at 7:08 PM PST.

This particular retrogradation began in Capricorn at 8º29'. On December 24th, it will continue through Sagittarius until it reaches 22º11', degree on which Mercury will resume its direct motion. Its shadow period (the period of time when we still experience some fleeing effects) will remain until January 21, 2024.

Until Christmas eve, issues regarding limitations, rules, and authority are coming to the forefront. How organized, effective, self-sufficient, and disciplined are we? While rethinking our material goals, as well as our professional ambitions, we should however be careful to not fall prey to pessimism or allow personal insecurities and unconscious fears to stop our need for expansion. Recognition for our accomplishments is achieved by pragmatically reviewing the structures of our life, solidifying our education, being sober, hard working, honoring our duties and obligations, and choosing more conservative values. Our beliefs need to be useful and serve the position we seek in society. Our marital status might change. We could turn an artistic talent into a lucrative source of income.

Our concern with truth and justice intensifies after December 24 when we are required to revisit our philosophical and spiritual ideals, and become increasingly aware of our social responsibilities. How positive are our thoughts? How tolerant and broadminded are we? Do we live according to the highest expression of integrity and morality? What inspires us? What visions do we have for the future? A long-distance trip, the fortuitous meeting with a foreigner from our past, a sacred book, or the exposure to a deep religious concept could place us in direct contact with the truth, expanding our consciousness in ways we could never have imagined possible.

Wishing you a lovely Christmas season!

In Loving Light.

Michelle Karén

Michelle Karen