Sun in Aries March 20-April 20, 2023

Monday March 20th officially marks the beginning of Spring with the Sun entering Aries until April 20th. This is the vernal equinox, the point in the Earth’s annual orbit around the Sun, at which the polar inclination is exactly at right angles to an imaginary line drawn between the Earth and the Sun, causing the days and night to be equal all over our planet.

Aries is a very energetic, independent, self-confident, enthusiastic, spontaneous sign. This is a wonderful time to initiate new activities. Our pioneering spirit keeps seeking new avenues of expression. Our willpower is intensified. We are outgoing, resourceful, decisive, and fearless. Our powerful need to prove ourselves through action, makes us leap into situations we don’t always consider the consequences of. Aries is not exactly known for its tact and ability to plan ahead.

We are impatient, quick to think on our feet, and eager to start new projects, but, easily bored, are not necessarily so good with seeing them to the finish line. We may also tend to be too impulsive, headstrong and impetuous to listen to wise advice. Our highly competitive energy pushes us to want to be the first and the best in whatever we initiate. Admitting failure is not something we are very excited to do while the Sun in in Aries.

Because we feel that projecting a successful image into the world ensures our success, this is a brilliant time to create a vision board and focus on what we want in our lives. Our strong will to succeed requires the reinforcement of immediate gratification. This could make us rather combative, quick tempered, maybe argumentative or even downright aggressive. If we can avoid taking ourselves too seriously, and keep a healthy dose of humor, there is truly nothing we cannot accomplish during this time.

In Loving Light.

Michelle Karén

Michelle Karen