2021 Predictions



NUMEROLOGICALLY, a 5 year (2+0+2+1). Connected to the planet Mercury, this is a pivotal year of change, freedom, new experiences, adventure, variety and choices. Unexpected opportunities suddenly present themselves. Spreading ourselves thin is a temptation to be avoided. Being present to the present and focused proves of utmost importance. Integrity is also essential, as games and manipulations backfire. More than ever, our bodies require good care through rest, a healthy diet and lots of water. We learn from past lessons, develop exciting approaches to old problems, find new directions and use our creativity to overcome the challenges at hand. Our awareness of the reality we live in, dramatically shifts.


THE CHINESE YEAR of the metal (Gold) OX (February 12, 2021 – January 31, 2022)

A year that is generally considered lucky. Stability, tolerance and prosperity abound.

We shouldn’t witness majorly explosive events. Violence is curbed by wisdom and communication.

The world economy should be more balanced, thus helping a global financial recovery. Long term investments are favored. Wealth increases for those who are independent and willing to double their efforts to achieve their goals.

Challenges are overcome by being smarter, using our minds with wisdom, facing our responsibilities with courage, and working with much discipline, strength, determination, and resilience. Organizing our time well and planning our goals properly, are keys to our success. Being of service to others, as well as practical in the use of our gifts and talents lead to great achievements.

All relationships (love, friendship, family) are likely to come into focus. Social relationships are more stable and harmonious. Setting aside interpersonal conflicts helps promote peace. Efforts should be made to be more agreeable, respectful, loyal and tolerant.  We are however cautioned to not start a new relationship too quickly. Single people are favored. They are likely to find the partner they will marry, It is also good for having a baby.

This year, anything we set our mind to and are willing to work hard for, we can achieve. A mindset of limitlessness paves the way to success.



Tuesday 14:

Uranus turns direct, at 12:36 AM (6º43’ Taurus):

This degree is represented in the Sabian Symbols by “The woman of Samaria at the ancestral well”. The reconstruction after the freeing from the known. Much of what was restricting us has fallen away. We can now choose the reality we wish for ourselves.

Sunday 17:

Jupiter Square Uranus, at 2:50 PM (6º43’ Aquarius/Taurus):

We could find ourselves to be particularly rebellious, irritable and frustrated. With our sights set incredibly high, and a strong need to break free from restrictions, we could, without any discrimination, fall into patterns of complete recklessness.  Dangerous leaders could come into power, strange cults could emerge. The changes occurring now are incredibly powerful. Life is disrupted in surprising ways. Changes of directions happen on a dime. Uncertainty undermines our confidence. Protests against unfair treatments rise. Strong anti-establishment beliefs are voiced. Yet, for those who are ready to express futuristic ideas, and manage to exercise both restraint and wisdom, this is a time of incredibly exciting opportunities which expand our lives in unusual ways.



Wednesday 17:

Saturn Square Uranus at 11:08 AM (7º13’ Aquarius/Taurus)

A new beginning is upon us.

We are required to release the normality we had grown accustomed to, and free ourselves from past restrictions. The order we were used to is greatly disturbed. Rigid routines are upset. Great tensions initiate real changes. A path of unpredictable events, impatience and recklessness create progress, even if at first all seems very chaotic. Due to the immense shifts occurring in our old patterns, we may find it difficult to maintain a clear path, yet need to manifest ways to work differently, experiment with unusual methods and create a new environment for ourselves. The more we relied in the past on outside forces, the more instability we shall experience. But if we manage to balance the old and the new, the past and the future, certainty and uncertainty, and find the courage to be ourselves, we shall achieve all that we want in life.



No special aspect.



Tuesday 27:

Pluto turns Retrograde at 1:04 PM (26º48’ Capricorn), till October 6:

This degree is symbolized by: “Pilgrims climbing the steep steps leading to a mountain shrine”. Issues related to sexuality, death, power, violence and corruption emerge from the depths of darkness. During the next 5 months, previously hidden horror stories of pedophile rings, human trafficking, sudden deaths of innocents, gun laws, the police terrorizing civilians and manipulations at very high authority levels, will continue surfacing for a massive clearing of what-is-not.



Sunday 23:

Saturn turns retrograde at 2:21 AM (13º31’ Aquarius), till October 10:

The image related to this degree: “A train entering a tunnel”. A little over 5 months to reevaluate our goals, the structures in our lives and our obligations. Delays may force us to slow down. We could have to work harder than ever. We need to pay our respect to authority and face our duties and responsibilities with diligence. No short cut is allowed during this time. Our relationship with authority figures comes to the forefront. Focus, discipline and clarity are a must.


Wednesday 26:

Lunar Eclipse at 4:14 AM (5º26’ Sagittarius):

This degree is symbolized by: “A game of cricket”. We rise above the ups and downs of daily life thanks to a more philosophical approach. Integrity is needed in all our interactions with others. Walking our talk and abiding by the rules without betraying our personal truth, enable us to remain on top of our own reality. We should however be careful to not promise more than we can deliver, nor speak without knowing all the facts, or become so greedy or arrogant that we would not know where to stop. Being present to the moment helps us remain fluid and adaptable as rapid changes of direction occur.



Thursday 10:

Solar Eclipse at 3:53AM (19º47’ Gemini):

This degree is symbolized by: “A modern cafeteria displays an abundance of food, products of various regions”.  We are invited to listen, integrate different points of view, and develop new perspectives. Tolerance and curiosity help us expand and enrich our world. Communication and interaction with others are key to evolving in a positive manner.


Monday 14:

Saturn Square Uranus at 3:01 PM (13º06’ Aquarius/Taurus):

Kindly refer to February 17.


Sunday 20:

Jupiter turns retrograde at 8:06 AM (2º11’ Pisces), till October 17th:

The image associated to this degree is the following: “Petrified tree trunks lie broken on desert sand”. Wise reflection helps us reassess our goals and motivations. Our attitude towards religion and the law is revisited. A time to learn from the past, become clearer on our philosophy of life, reconnect with a serious study we had abandoned, and work towards a meaningful goal. It is also important that we expand out of previous limitations, either imposed from the outside or self-inflicted, become more creative and develop a deeper faith and trust in ourselves and life. Focusing on the silver lining of every cloud makes us more positive, and helps us create more joy.


Friday 25:

Neptune turns retrograde at 12:21 PM (23º11’ Pisces), till December 1:

The image associated with this degree is: “On a small island surrounded by the vast expanse of the sea, people are seen living in close interaction”. A wonderful time to be creative and inspired by art. Compassion, sensitivity and acceptance permeate every aspect of our lives, helping us see the highest and the darkest within our soul. The more we are able to embrace all that we are, the more we shall feel unity with all that is. Issues with water are not unlikely. Global concerns with regard to floods, the state of the oceans, general water pollution and marine life come to the forefront. Pandemic talks raise their ugly head once again. Fake news proliferate. More than ever is discernment required to avoid falling in the carefully laid trap of confusion, and illusions appearing real. 



Wednesday 28:

Jupiter enters Aquarius at 5:43 AM, till December 28th:

Our minds are wide open. We are concerned by social issues, and are able to come up with intuitive solutions that would evade us at any other time. Creative ideas that may have seemed previously too big, are now quite acceptable. We think out of the box, are considerate of other people’s needs and very connected to the interests of the world at large. We find dynamic ways of improving the plight of humanity in order to create a better future. Learning from the unique thoughts and experiences of those around us, fuels our vision of an optimistic future. We should however beware of extreme, intolerant philosophical ideals both in ourselves and in others, as this is a time to be committed to the survival of humankind as a whole.



Thursday 19:

Uranus turns retrograde at 6:40 PM (14º47’ Taurus), till January 18, 2022:

This degree is represented by: “Head covered with a rakish silk hat, muffled against the cold, a man braves the storm”. What do we really value? How important are we to ourselves? Answers to these questions could open the door to major personal revelations that completely transform our lives. A time to break free from negative thinking, self-doubt and anxiety, so that we may accomplish a lot more than we ever thought possible. The more positive we are, the more faith we have in ourselves and life, the more trusting we prove ourselves to be, the more beneficial opportunities for advancement we attract to ourselves.



 No particular aspect.



Wednesday 6:

Pluto turns direct at 11:29 AM (24º18’ Capricorn):

The Sabian Symbols associate this image to this degree: “A store filled with precious oriental rugs”. Our relationship to power, our knowingness and self-understanding reach the new level revealed during the retrogradation. We come in touch with our inner wealth, our uniqueness, our gifts and talents.


Sunday 10:

Saturn turns direct at 7:17 PM (6º52’ Aquarius):

This degree is symbolized by “A child is seen being born out of an egg”. We can now reap the full benefits of the structures we have put into place, and enjoy the rewards of our hard work, increased maturity, and renewed focus.


Sunday 17:

Jupiter turns direct at 10:30 PM (22º19’ Aquarius):

This degree is associated to: “A big bear sitting down, waving all its paws”. Our relationship to abundance, higher education, the law, philosophy and religion shifts to the new order discovered during the retrogradation. More confident than ever, our faith in life and our trustworthiness expand, enabling us to live our truth, freely.



Friday 19:

Lunar Eclipse at 12:57 AM (27º14’ Taurus)

This degree is symbolized by: “A woman, past her change of life, experiences a new love”. We are being asked to shift our consciousness of the Earth, nature, but also of our own body. Taking care of ourselves is of utmost importance so that we may resist illnesses and keep a healthy mind.



Wednesday 1:

Neptune turns direct at 5:22 AM (20º24’ Pisces)

The image connected to this degree: “Under the watchful and kind eye of a kind Chinese servant, a girl fondles a little white lamb”. Our compassion, sensitivity, inspiration and mystical feelings return to the new dimension revealed during the retrogradation.


Friday 3:

Solar Eclipse at 11:43 PM (12º22’ Sagittarius)

This degree is symbolized by: “A widow’s past is brought to light”. Our faith, our trust, our optimism are being tested. We reap the consequences of what we have done, thought and felt in the past. Our relationship to the law, higher education, travel, spirituality and philosophy comes to the forefront. The more positive we are, the greater our chances to take beneficial advantages of the opportunities that open in front of us.


Thursday 23:

Saturn Square Uranus, at 11:17 PM (11º05’ Aquarius/Taurus):

Kindly refer to February 17.


Tuesday 28:

Jupiter enters Pisces at 8:09 PM, till  May 11, 2022:

5 months of incredible inspiration and expansion. Our tolerance, compassion, openness to philosophy and religion are greatly enhanced. Our positive energy helps us see life through rose colored glasses and our boundless enthusiasm opens dynamic growth opportunities. Our creativity is likely to explode. We may need to balance this exciting period with some wisdom, as it could be easy to go overboard and fall into excesses without even realizing we did! Hope returns. We may appreciate travel like never before and feel waves of gratitude for our faith seeing us through challenging times. A sense of abundance permeates the air. Spirituality grows.

Wishing you an enriching and inspiring new year!

Much love and light.

Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.

Astrologer, Shaman, International Conference Speaker, Author of the best selling book Astrology For Enlightenment (Atria Books, Simon & Schuster, NY)






Michelle Karen