Solar Eclipse in Aries (April 19, 2023)

Solar Eclipses always occur at the New Moon, when the Moon stands between the Sun and the Earth, thus hiding the Sun. Eclipses always come in two, sometimes in 3. This solar eclipse occurs on Wednesday April 19 at 9:13 PM Pacific Daylight Saving Time  at the tail end of Aries (29º50’). It is a hybrid eclipse, meaning that is both partial and annular depending on where we are located on planet earth. This is extremely rare. There are only a handful of those per century. It will be followed on May 5th by a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio.

Eclipses are always incredibly important times of major changes in our lives. Their sign is important, but more important are the houses, or areas of life, they fall in in our natal chart which indicates where those changes will be taking place. Their influence affect up to 19 years of our lives. If your birthday happens to fall on an eclipse day, it announces a life-changing year for you personally. So, in more details, what should we expect? This is what we shall find out here today…


On a global scale, life will definitely not be a long calm river. This eclipse brings huge levels of emotional intensity, violent feelings, and a lust for power. Shocks, upheavals, explosive, unpredictable, drastic changes are likely to occur. Those who are in a position of authority are prone to abuse their position, become compelling in their lust for power, even threatening to the general population. Annoyed with what they may consider as petty details, impatient if things are going too slowly for their taste, accepting no interference, and ready to use any means available to achieve their goals, they will have no qualm about acting abruptly, and provoking events, even with coercive force. The brutal, corrupt, criminal nature of some world leaders will become more than obvious. They will feel insatiable, devouring, fanatic, even sadistic. Yet, the need to force issues,  an exaggerated aggressivity, the desire to make people over, and ultimatums will backfire. Power mania,  ruthless tactics, egos demanding complete domination will bring major losses, much destruction, even complete falls from power. The pressure on mass production, commodities, food, money, will be felt keenly by the people, exposing past conditionings, and bringing to light unresolved conflicts.


World events are forcing us to define our own identity. Dissipating our energies can just exhaust our life force. The more we focus on our own development, overcome restrictive habits, follow our heart and our intuition, the more we shall be able to express our fullest potential.  Ensuring that our feelings are true and serve the greater good, going with the flow, demonstrating honesty, loyalty, devotion, enthusiasm and being  helpful and generous towards those less fortunate than ourselves, brings good fortune.


No matter how frustrated, manipulated and compromised we may feel, this is a time to learn to compromise, meet difficult circumstances in a resourceful manner, and do our best to cooperate for the good of all concerned.


This eclipse could bring new people in our life who walk to the sound of their own drum, whose ideas are ahead of our time, who may or may not stay but whose influence will bring an exciting change of pace, provoke unusual insights, and stimulate unique solutions to existing challenges. We are required to tap in our own resourcefulness, express eccentric ideas, become more inventive, enjoy progressive topics of interest, and develop our own style. This eclipse encourages us to be observant, perceptive and decisive, to make up our mind quickly,  formulate constructive plans, and act upon our decisions with brilliance and efficiency. Getting things done with confidence, optimism, and noble aims brings lucky breaks and  even financial abundance. This is our time to reevaluate our values,  refuse to settle for less than we are worth, expand our goals, shine, and, as the case may be, teach. The more noble our aims are, the more we serve religious or educational causes with honesty, understanding, a concern with social welfare, and  practical idealism,  the more popular the projects we initiate will be.


Despite what is brought about in the world by this eclipse: the inevitable collapse of many big organizations, and influential leaders, we are encouraged to tap in our good nature, be helpful, sympathetic towards others, and positive. If we remain responsive, honest, kind, and optimistic, our plans will be crowned with success.

Wishing you a powerful eclipse day!

In Loving Light.

Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.

Michelle Karen