May 5, 2023 Lunar Eclipse

On May 5th at 10:34 AM Pacific Daylight Saving time, we have a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (14º58' ). Lunar Eclipses always coincide with the Full Moon when the Earth is directly placed between the Sun and the Moon. The Moon, then in the Earth’s shadow becomes completely hidden from view which is why it is said to be “eclipsed”.
Eclipses are always incredibly important times of major changes in our lives. Their sign is important, but more important are the houses, or areas of life, they fall in in our natal chart which indicates where those changes will be taking place. Their influence affect up to 19 years of our lives. If your birthday happens to fall on an eclipse day, it announces a life-changing year for you personally.
This one is absolutely explosive, electric, even alienating. Our intensified need to be more in tune with our truth, and innovative self-expression, makes us fight for freedom. A lot of dissatisfaction will be voiced worldwide, leading to precipitous, sudden upheavals and falls from high positions of power.

We could be shocked by the intensity of our feelings. The Moon in Scorpio always brings very strong emotions, willful desires, and purposeful actions. Even if we are not normally prone to possessiveness or jealousy, we could get caught by surprise. We are likely to take our personal affairs more than seriously. Deep passion, volatile anger, grudges, the need for revenge are all to be expected. Our determination, a general need to restructure our domestic circumstances, and the sense that no sacrifice is too great to reach our goals could render our home life somewhat turbulent. As was heralded by the April 19 Solar Eclipse, these days, life is definitely not being a long, tranquil river!

Intolerance, vicious one-sided destruction, immorality, and cruelty are likely to surface. An insatiable, domineering thirst for mass control, unethical practices, demonic activities, underhanded dealings, human exploitation, wastefulness, briberies, embezzlements, misplaced trust, sexual distortions, scandalous love affairs, playing on other people’s sympathies lead to sharp falls from power, touching particularly those who believed they were above the law.

Our self-confidence is being tested. Blindly falling for the prevailing social, philosophical, religious beliefs without exercising any critical analysis, getting swept along by what the mass medias condition us to believe, without any original thinking, definitely weakens us. We should be careful to not indiscriminately fall prey to escapism, false hero worshipping, dubious get-rich-quick schemes, and take anything for granted. Attaining things effortlessly with arrogance, overreaching, losing all sense of proportion, being obsessive in our actions, seeking compulsive gratification to the expense of others, and expanding our projects too quickly, only leads to a sudden collapse we had not seen coming.

Unpredictable moods swings, erratic emotional patterns, and Impulsive actions are to be expected. Because tensions are being brought out in the open, revealing the patterns that are no longer appropriate because they simply don’t adequately serve our needs anymore, this eclipse clears the air like nothing before it. We shall not take kindly to people telling us what to do or how to do it.

On a global scale, a climate of anger against obstacles, annoying upsets, and the restrictions that hold us back shakes society. Conflicts with authorities, volatile rebellion against traditions, a compulsive need to reform outmoded institutions as well as religious and philosophical dogmatism, can lead to anarchy. Under the influence of this powerful eclipse, we won’t care particularly for social niceties, or being politically correct.
On a personal level, impatience with ordinary limitations, the desire to break out of normal routines, the tendency to erratically take off in 5 directions at once, a difficulty to concentrate, the rejection of responsibilities, the lack of accountability for our decisions, sudden, surprising, radical, even contradictory events, and many distractions are to be expected that cause a lot of confusion and chaos. Unusual experiences force us to be extra flexible as we need to adapt very quickly to a whole new set of circumstances. Nervousness, irritability, extreme, abrupt reactions, bizarre interests, exaggerated facts create a lot of instability, and while our energy could be at times extraordinary, it tends also to be sporadic, making us feel suddenly drained to the point of leaving us utterly exhausted.

This huge need for freedom from past chains, the very high value placed on our independence and individuality, and the desire to take control of our own journey, can seriously disrupt our personal circumstances resulting in drastic changes of residence, associations suddenly severed, and new relationships formed with exciting, dynamic people who are somewhat eccentric, yet also possibly headstrong, rash, changeable and unreliable. A lot of restlessness, uncontrollable impulses, uninvited people showing up, and family members walking in and out, add to the hyperactivity of this eclipse. We should beware of psychic involvements that do not serve our highest good, impractical cults, strange spiritual beliefs, make ill-timed changes, do something we shall later regret, or allow ourselves to be forced into a purchase that is not to our advantage. Staying away from uncertain financial investments, dangerous situations, potentially violent people and activities is also advised as we are more prone to losses and accidents during this eclipse than at any other time.

Somewhat unyielding and totally unafraid to explore new territories, we are drawn to fresh viewpoints, original, inventive ideas, and new activities. We need to be daring, fearless, adventurous, brave, courageous, and decisive in our experimentations, think originally and seize opportunities decisively.
This eclipse definitely free us from what is both outmoded and corrupted and marks a huge forward leap.

Wishing you a powerful Eclipse day!

In Loving Light.

Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.

Michelle Karen